Jana To The Rescue
Of course this weekend went by way too fast. Sunday is my favorite day of the week, but I have a hard time enjoying it when I know that I have to be at work at 7:00 Monday. Of course, I started my weekend out just like any other. The picture to left is me in Holly's coat. She was missing for awhile, but her coat was still on her seat. So the crazy person that I am thought it would be funny for several people to out it on and we took pictures. The guy to the right (one of the many people that wore her jacket) looked too good in it. I'm still not sure if she knows half the bar had her jacket on, but she will soon. Friday night I thought it would be a good idea to meet the guys at the strip club. Thankfully they didn't go there and we just met them at another bar. The only time I have been to a strip club was the Capital City Gold in Charleston. Let me just tell you that it was not my idea of a good time. I do have a funny story to share about that experience. It was maybe 2-3 years ago when Amber and I were both back home for some reason. We went out in Charleston with our guy friends from high school. They all wanted to go to the strip club, but we didn't. One of the guys said they would pay my way in if I danced with this dorky little boy. Of course, I did it and we were on our way to the strip club. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still sucked. I had use the restroom so I asked one of the "nice young women" where it was. Well, it was upstairs in the "changing room". That made me nervous enough, but that's not the funny part. I was on my way back down the stairs and I thought I had found the door to leave. I hesitated for a moment because I didn't remember the streamers on the way up. I thought it was the only way to go so it must be how I got there. I walked through the door and said, "Holy shit!" I was on the stage!!!
Although it is good to get a change of scenery, there is a price to pay with that. Here are a few reasons why we shouldn't go to other bars:
1. The bartender should not have to ask what you want to drink.
2. The bartender should not have to ask when you want another drink.
3. When you order a So Co and lime, you do not want So Co with a lime slice on top.
4. Cold Sam Buca is not chilled.
5. The highlight of this bar was a guy dropping a quarter into a jar for free shots.
6. This particular bar did not have a dartboard.
7. They also did not have Bell Biv Devoe on the jukebox.
8. People looked at us like we look at strangers in our bar.
9. They don't take credit/debit cards.
Cara has informed me not to ask her to go to another bar again. She will not be offended if I just say, "I'm going (insert different place). See you later!" She has also informed me that she does not like Barboursville. I admit, it does get a little redneck, but it can be fun!
I honestly had no idea this was going on, but it's a funny picture.
On a different note, it was a sad weekend for one of my good friends and when my friends are sad, I am too. She called me Friday and I knew something was wrong when her message started out, "I may need you this evening." I knew exactly what is was, but I wished it were something else. Tha'ts right, her boyfriend broke up with her the evening before and I needed to come to the rescue. So most of my weekend was spent trying to cheer her up, but I don't think I was successful. I'm not good with relationships myself so I'm not sure how I could help in this situation. Hopefully I helped her out and made it a little easier. She may not know this, but I learned a few things from her too. She also helped me come back to my senses and realize being single is not too bad of a deal. Is it really worth putting all your effort into something that will possibly end? Sometimes I think yes, but after seeing her this weekend, I say no. Maybe that's my problem. Quite frankly I enjoy being single and I know that when it is the right time I will be ready for a relationship. Hopefuly she's going to be fine, but I hate for my friends to be upset. I would much rather be the one that's upset.
By the way Brett, I love your idea for trivia on the blog!
You are never short of good stories! It looks like I'll have to dust off my camera in order to stay in the Blog Wars. Enjoy the trivia.
OK, I now realize that picture may not be as funny as it makes me look like a slut. I'm really not representing myself well, am I?
I love that story about Capital City Gold. Memories...Do you remember that I was stuck outside on the street by myself until Bryce or Jeremy or one of those boys (I can't remember exactly) came to save me? Crazy nights...
I do now. Damn boys! They just leave you on the street when there are strippers involved.
Don't make fun of b'ville bitch.
Please don't ever use this blue color letters ever again. I'm blind!
Sorry Lisa! I'll try not to use it, but blue is my favorite color so I can't promise anything.
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