Jana Land

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Tooth May Be The Death Of Me

I hear you Amber! Maybe I shouldn't have set these standards for myself. I didn't write yesterday because I went out right after work. By the time I got home I went straight to bed. Well, I take that back. I made drunken quesadillas and from what I remember they tasted pretty good! Today I only worked half a day, but Peanut and I went to my parent's house as soon as I was done. I just got back from there about 30 minutes ago. My mom had surgery on her knee Monday so I went to visit her. Also, my gramma was in town so I wanted to see her too. Although I have been busy the past 2 days, not much has happened. I took my test yesterday to get promoted. I won't know until tomorrow or Friday whether I passed, but I don't have a doubt in my mind. It was a piece of cake. I'm pretty excited because I will get a bonus (not much) and a raise (also not much).
The only major thing I have been thinking about the past few days is my tooth. I thought my wisdom tooth was pushing my other teeth and that was why I have been feeling pain. Well, I think it's more than that now. My mom said it is probably an abscess tooth. I have a dentist appointment next Wed., but I don't think I can wait. It just so happens that I read an article a couple of days ago about wisdom teeth. It said that it is best to get wisdom teeth removed before 25 because leaving them in will increase my risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some other problems I don't need. I hate the dentist more than any other doctor. They always seem to hurt me. I talked to Ashley tonight and she said one of her friends went into a coma because of an abscess tooth. So if I don't write for a couple of days someone may want to come and find me. Also, another guy we used to work with, which I don't remember, got a goider from an abscess tooth. Needless to say, I won't be able to sleep until I get to the dentist. I'm sure nobody is interested in my teeth, but I needed to write about it for three reasons.
1. I can't stand pain. When it comes to pain, I am the biggest baby in the world!
2. I am freaking out about this!
3. If it kills me at any point in the night I would like for someone to come and find me. Note: Please walk the dog while you are here.

That's all I have for now. I am going to try to sleep. I'm going to use this spray that makes my mouth numb. I'm afraid that is going to make me drool! Oh well, the pain is killing me. I wouldn't mind a little drool if the pain would go away.


Blogger B$ said...

Haven't commented on the blog yet, but the tooth thing rings a bell. I got my wisdom teeth out no long ago. No real pain beforehand, but they still give you really great gas to put you under (my Dad says I hit on the DA's). You may even get pain pills afterwards. Good luck!

February 22, 2006 11:23 PM  

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