Jana Land

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. Mine was good considering I spent most of the day moving stuff. I guess I can be thankful that it's almost over. All I have left is a table and my couch. Pictures will be coming soon once I figure out what to do with the clothes. It's tough going from two big closets and an extra room to only one medium sized closet. I've even given away a bunch of stuff, but it seems like it is multiplying. I have also decided that I will die at my parent's house because I am never moving again. Nine times in 6 years is way too many!

Of course, I am at work today and I am bored out of my mind. Maybe one of these days I will have an employee to talk to! The country station is putting me to sleep so I had to prop the door open with a water cooler bottle to stay awake. Well, at least it is Friday!!! Only three hours left until I get to go home, but of course I have to work tomorrow too. This boredom of this job is going to kill me!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Every morning I listen to the only radio station that picks up inside in Ripley and they have a program called swap and shop. Usually I make fun of all the people on there because they try to sell things such as a $12 turkey certificate for $7 or they are looking for a Christmas tree that they lost on the way from Ripley to Spencer.

Today is a different story. A lady was on there and her family of four lost everything in a fire last week. I figure this is a perfect opportunity to help someone out especially since I am moving and trying to get rid of anything and everything, including Christmas! I called her and she has two little boys (size 3T and 4T), she is a size 8 (I can't help her with that!) and her husband is a size 30-32. I am going to make this my special project for the season and give back because I have been blessed so much in my life. If anybody has anything they want to donate to this family, please let me know. They live here in Ripley so I will get everything to them. Send me an e-mail (Banker134@aol.com or Jana.E.Banker@erac.com) or leave me a comment if you can help out in any way. After all it is the holiday season. Thank you!

Just Bored...

So, I am at work and I am extremely bored. I would give anything to have the workload that I used to. You would think that being in charge and not having any employees would be a huge amount of work. Nope, it's boring as hell here. I am going crazy!!! I can't leave the office and I can't get a day off. I actually managed to get someone from Parkersburg to come work for me tomorrow so I can move the rest of my stuff out. Thank God! I may lose what bit of mind I have left if I don't get someone else here soon. Apparently there was another new hire, but they may just send them to another overstaffed branch like they did with the last girl. Oh well, I guess I'll survive.

I had a dream last night that I was shot and I died. It was maybe one of the scariest dreams I've had, at least in awhile. It's not real clear to me what happened, but I know I was in Huntingon, there was a bike involved and this guy stuck a gun up my shirt and shot me. I woke immediately and it took forever for me to go back to sleep. Once I did, I started coughing and I couldn't stop. That's when Peanut realized that I was still in the house so she started whining to get into my room.

I making some progress on the move. I can't wait until I am done and I can post pictures of "Jana Land". I wish I would have taken before pictures because that makes it even better. Nobody will ever believe how packed full of shit that room was until they see it. It's a pretty big room (12' x 17': I had to buy carpet) and somehow my mom found a way to jam it full to the ceiling. I literally had a small path to get to the bed and that was it. I am so excited to get it all done and just sleep in one day in my life. I probably could have had it all done by now, but for some reason we think that it is a good idea to get wasted every night before we want to move stuff. Not that great of an idea.

So, Kelly took the cat. Thanks again! I hope everything is going ok. It can't be worse than being at Cara's (but thanks anyway Cara).

Well, I am done rambling for now. I think I might go clean the windows.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

How could someone be afraid of this sweet little cat? I know, it seems impossible, but Cara is actually afraid of her!

Here is a copy of the e-mails that were seant to me by Cara after I dropped her off at her new home on Sunday night:

Email #1 Ok...I think we have a problem with the cat. I am completely scared todeath of her! Seriously. I don't want to be in the same room with itand it freaks me out! I closed my bedroom door last night so itwouldn't come in during the night, and it woke me up around 4:30 thismorning like it was gonna claw the door down! I am apparently scared ofcats. I am sooo sorry, but I just dont see this working. Do you thinkRea will take her? I thought it would be ok, but didn't anticipatebeing scared of being alone with it!!! Help!!

Email #2 It's not your fault! I just honestly didn't think I would be scared. I
mean...literally freaked out. I guess I'm ok with cats as long as
someone else is ther, preferably their owner...who is preferably not me.
I was joking last night, I figured it would take her some time to
adjust...but this morning I was totally freaked out! I didn't see her
this morning before I left. Since she's been by herself for a few
weeks, she may have her days and nights mixed up! Cause she was
certainly up at 4:30 this morning!! I should be ok untiil this

Email #3 We are a little better, however I still can't keep her. She thinks we
are friends, but we are not. She wont stay out from under my feet...and
she tried to climb on top of me while I was on the couch yesterday. I
ALLOWED her to be on the couch, I thought that was quite generous
enough. She did not need to be on top of me! I am still fighting with
her to keep her out of my bedroom and out of the bathroom. And she is
dying to be in either of the two places!!! She almost got away with it
this morning while I was getting ready and she slipped into my room and
under the bed. I told her that was fiine...but expect to be quarantined
to the spare bedroom for the rest of the week if she didn't come out.
Strangely enough, she came out a few minutes later. ANy luck finding
anyone to take her? I have asked around and not had any luck. I did
get Mary's friend Susan to say that we should let her know if it comes
down to taking her to the pound. She said "Oh no...atleast call me
before you do that". So far, that's all the luck I've had.

Sorry Cara, but I just thought the e-mails were too funny not to share.

P.S. The cat is still up for grabs, but I might have a taker.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It's Time For An Update!!!

OK, if anyone still reads my blog, here is an update. I have put off updating because I can't put pictures on here right now. I finally got Internet access at work so I am going to take this time to update and save the pictures for later. I have been in Ripley for about a month and I am bored out of my mind! This branch is the complete opposite of my other branch and I'm still trying to decide if I like it. The 45 minute commute isn't too bad. It's actually kind of relaxing and I don't have to drive my car. It's a good thing I don't have to drive my car because it is in the shop right now getting a new fuel pump. Not even 19,000 miles and the damn thing needs a new fuel pump. That's my luck!
Anyway, for those of you who do not know, I am moving back in with my parents. It's not going to be as bad as it should be. I am completely redoing my bedroom. No clues yet, it's a secret, but it's going to be awesome! (pictures will be posted after completion). Amber and I worked our asses off this past weekend moving stuff out and painting. The color is not what it's supposed to be, but I think I like it better (that's Wal-mart paint for you). I have until the end of the month to get all of my stuff out of Huntington. It wasn't going to be a problem because I was going to take a couple of days off and get it done. Well, my only employee quit on Friday so I cannot leave the branch...EVER! I am losing my mind. The sad thing is that I have almost 70 cars, no employees and I am still bored. What the hell? Everything is slower in Ripley and so is everyone! They have hired a new employee for the area, but they aren't sure what branch they are going to. HELLO, how about the one that doesn't have any employees?
OK, enough about work...

I can't take my cat to my mom and dad's house because my brother's boxer will eat it. She is a great cat, I promise. Just ask Cara! If you want to see a picture I have plenty on previous entries. I am willing to deliver, almost anywhere! Cara has her right now, but she just realized that she is afraid of cats. She said it was getting better, but she still can't keep her. She also said that Bella thinks they are friends, but they are not. I can't help but laugh :) Anyone who wants to give her a good loving home, let me know and it will be much appreciated.

Other good news...I consolidated my debt yesterday. It's something I've wanted to do for over a year now, but I was too afraid. Now that I am freeloading off of my parents I can afford to do it and I am very excited.

Overall, everything is great! I kind of miss Hutington, but not as much as I thought I would. I miss all of my friends, but that's just about it. I don't have time to get bored anymore considering I am gone from at least 7-7 everyday and I have been trying to get everything together for my new room, which is going to by called Jana Land or My Pimp Pad. It's still up in the air!

Well, I have to go because I have a conference call, but I promise I will update more often so don't give up on me.